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Facelift or Necklift

A surgical cosmetic procedure to create a younger-looking face.

01 - Patient Setup


Pre-op Meds: Ancef or Clindamycin, Tranexemic acid

Anesthesia:  GETA wired or sutured w/ 0 silk to 1st premolar if no crown

Patient position: Supine, 1 arm tucked

Bed position: Turn 90°

DVT ppx:  Compression boots on - working BEFORE induction of anesthesia

Side Table: None

Lights: Headlight and Fiberoptic lighted retractors-both Aufrecht and larger facelift

Power: No

Bovie Settings: Colorado tip, 20/20; Bipolar that activates when tips touch (Stingray) 10

Preinjection: None

Scleral shields with lubricant

Prep: Use Mayo stand drapes under head to prep entire head with betadine running into drape. Betadine ophthalmic soap to wash hair, rubber bands to braid hair anteriorly, staples hold hair down posteriorly.

Drape: 2 blue towels on half sheet. This goes under pt head. Top towel is to be brought around pt head and stapled so it is well behind ears. Then 4 towels around head, then split sheet. Split sheet is placed with mesentary around ETT TO AVOID TENTING AND RESTRICTING HEAD MOVEMENT.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 9.51.40 PM.png
Anesthesia:  GETA wired or sutured w/ 0 silk to 1st premolar if no crown

02 - Case Details 

Special Instruments: Fiberoptic lighted retractors, Stingray bipolar, cotton tip applicator

Special supplies on the field: Methylene Blue w/ marking pen

Devices/Implants: Tumescent cannulas + machine

Syringes:  1% lido 1/100k epi 30 cc total; 25 gauge needle on 10cc syringe

Drains: 10 Blake

Suture: 4-0 Ethibond on SH taper needle, 2-0 PDS on SH, 3-0 Monocryl on SH, 4-0 Monocryl on SH, 5-0 Monocryl on SH, 4-0 chromic gut, 6-0 prolene

Anesthesia on field:  500cc Tumescent (300mL NS, 30mL 1% lidocaine, 2mL of 1:1000 epi), 27 gauge w 1% liodocaine 1/100k epi 20cc

Dressing:  Antibiotic ointment, xerofrom strip gauze, ABD x 3, Kling x 2, Coban 4", Jawbra to go


03 - Post-Op Information

Admission status: TBD

Estimated time: 4 hrs

Coding:  CPT=15829, ICD-9=v50.1

Post-op wound care:  Dressing off next day + switched into jaw bra

Post-op activity restrictions:  __

Follow up:  Next day


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